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Pennsylvania Highlands Community College

Education and Personal Development

Online, Self-Paced
Do you like to work with children? Start training today for a rewarding career educating and working with children.
Education and Personal Development


Teacher's Aide
Price: $3,674.00
The Instructional Paraprofessional Certification Program will prepare you to assist classroom teachers in instruction of mathematics, reading and writing. The required courses include topics in teaching mathematic, reading and writing, an overview of the job of Instructional Paraprofessional and an introduction to child development. The elective courses allow students to explore areas related to instruction including classroom management skills, teaching and learning theories and instructional methods. The Instructional Paraprofessional Certification Program will help prepare you to pass the Educational Testing Services ParaPro Exam or other skills assessment exams and to pass any observation-based certification programs required by your state.. Click here for the full description of Teacher's Aide


Adolescent Development
Price: $1,287.00
In this course we will discuss the stages of child and adolescent development, the features of each stage, and principles of growth, learning, and parenting.. Full description of Adolescent Development

Fundamentals of Instructional Design
Price: $284.00
Students will explore ways in which courses can be designed. Students will be introduced to the ADDIE design model and other design models that may work in other environments. Students will write instructional objectives and design a unit of instruction and assessments that support the instructional objects. Students will plan an evaluation of their instructional materials.. Full description of Fundamentals of Instructional Design

Learning Styles in the Classroom
Price: $321.00
This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to design personalized and effective educational experiences by understanding and applying various learning style theories. You will learn to identify individual preferences, create differentiated instruction, and integrate models such as Gregorc’s Mind Style, Dunn and Dunn’s stimuli dimensions, Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, and Fleming’s VARK modalities. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to implement individualized learning plans, foster student engagement, and adapt teaching approaches to diverse classroom dynamics, preparing you to support academic success through innovative, learner-centered strategies.. Full description of Learning Styles in the Classroom

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom
Price: $321.00
Every student in your class is intelligent. The trick is to finding out just how he or she is intelligent and tapping that to help your student to learn more easily and to allow him or her to add a new a dimension to your course. Howard Gardners's Multiple Intelligence Theory defines students as intelligent in one of eight areas. By teaching to a student's intelligences and by allowing them to express themselves using their preferred intelligences the entire classroom can be enriched. Students will explore the Multiple Intelligences theories and learn to design lesson plans that appeal to various intelligences.. Full description of Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom